
Each year we select two or more women's support organizations in the city and then ask each member, on the membership form, to give us their preference for our group support.

TT 2024 decorated tables with trees

For 2024-25 we will be supporting the Young Women's Shelter for a second year.  In the past year we were able to give them $1000.  In May 2024 we held a Trillims and Tea event were able to contribute another $2000 to this very worthwhile cause.  On their Facebook they wrote:

A big thank you to the incredible group of women, Women on Skis, who gather to ski, hike, and support young women in need. Your group’s dedication and generosity during your last ski day and potluck in March and your hike and high tea in May raised over $3700 for YSB’s young women’s shelter. In addition to these funds raised, Women on Skis have also donated a handful of in-kind donations such as food, clothing, personal hygiene items, and small kitchen items. Thank you for a making a real difference in the lives of young women at risk in Ottawa.

The Young Women's Shelter of the Youth Services Bureau offers young women aged 16 to 20 immediate access to safe housing. Open 365 days a year, the Evelyn Horne Young Women’s Shelter is always ready to welcome youth with nowhere else to turn. The shelter has 32 beds and offers both emergency shelter and transitional housing for up to a year. They have 16 shelter beds and 16 transitional beds for young women preparing to live independently.  





2023-24 Women on Skis -